I made some 2011 running goals, before I knew what I was really talking about. I don’t really have the energy to go digging that post up, but I will consider this year a success. Over 700 miles run, 2 half marathons, 3 10k PRs. not too shabby.
I had one “resolution” in 2011 and it was not running related: to not date for the entire year. I have 6 days left, technically, but I’m willing to call this a raging success. It was a necessary “reset” of sorts, and I don’t regret it one bit.
Now for 2012:
1. Run Four Half Marathons. Perhaps a tall order, doubling my number of halfs from this year. But I think I’ve got a good plan worked out. I’ve only registered for one thus far – Lake Placid – but I’ve got them picked out, roped Natalie into it, and off we go!
Oleksak Half Marathon – April 1, 20122. That helps for goal number 2: add 2 states to my half marathon races. I’ll get Massachusetts and Rhode Island out of this. And I’ve never been to Rhode Island, so this should be fun!
Lake Placid Half Marathon – June 10, 2012
Rock N’ Roll Providence – August 19, 2012
Hudson Mohawk Half Marathon – October 7, 2012
3. Join a run club. I think I'm going to joing the Hudson Mohawk Road Runners. That way, I’ll get a discount on that last half marathon (the one I’m really looking for a huge PR in). And, they offer 2 races per month, several of which are free to members. Sounds like a win win!
4. Run 1000 miles. If I could run 700+ this year while only training for 2 half marathons, I think I can squeeze in another 300! Plus, last January was a really low mileage month, as I was just getting in to running.
5. Break 100 miles in at LEAST one month. I kind of made this an informal goal this year, and got so close! (91 was my closest).
6. Plank for two and a half minutes. I’m already at 1:15, due to #plankaday. So I really think this is feasible.
7. Be able to do 50 pushups. I’m ordering an iphone this week so the 100pushups app will probably be the first thing I buy. I can’t even do one full pushup right now (I know, I'm ashamed), so 50 seems reasonable for a year-long goal.
8. 4 hours of yoga a month. I always say I’m going to start going to yoga more, and never do. When I go, I love it. This is a reasonable goal of one yoga class a week. Since they offer yoga at my gym at least 6 days a week this really shouldn’t be an issue.
9. Try one new, healthy recipe a week. I have been tossing around some way to make “healthier eating” or “stop eating shit” or “eat clean” an actionable goal, and this is what I came up with. Not perfect, in terms of the rules of writing achievable goals, but it’ll have to do.
10. This goal is “new years” – ish, I plan to have this done by the end of January. Create an inspiration board/scrapbook. Originally this was just an inspiration board, but I got a whole bunch of running scrapbook stuff and pictures from my parents, so I have that to work on too!
I’m planning on have a year of high-milage, PR, smart recover, and lots of learning. I’m really looking forward to reading everyone else’s goal posts! Let’s make 2012 run-tacular!!