Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This is a really crappy time to be frustrated with my running. My training plan starts on Monday, and I'd really like to go into things on a positive note.

I'm struggling lately. Managing hydration in hotter/more humid temps is one challenge. Dealing with hotter/more humid temps, in general, is another (not totally separate) challenge. Jess @ BlondePonytail did a really awesome post yesterday about running in the humidity. I found it quite informative, even though I already kind of knew that acclamation needed to occur, and running in the hot can make you slower/feel like you have to work 80billion times as hard. The review was nice, succinct, informative, and I like charts.

In addition to running being sucky in the humidity, so is my attitude. Which helps nothing - unless I'm trying to participate in a vicious cycle of miserableness. I don't really want to play that game anymore.

I'm trying to keep my emotions in check. You don't run one half marathon and then become Kara Goucher (if only). Progress takes time. However, my frustration has led to some reflection over the past few days (hence the scantily-clad blog this past week - I've been thinking, not writing).

The result is, over the next few weeks I'm going to do a series of posts on some reflections of what I've learned so far this year: catching the running bug, joining the blog community, what this blog is really about (get some direction, gurl), blog/fitness idols, fitness information overload, and how clueless I am in general about many running/fitness related things. I think the process should be quite helpful (at least to me) and perhaps to some other newbies out there.

Stay tuned.


SupermomE13 said...

Remind yourself that the best you can do is the best you do with the conditions you have. Running is going to be hard now in the heat and humidity but you will be a better runner overall for it. :)

misszippy said...

Humidity is hard--no one performs up to their best in it. In fact, some people choose to just spend the summer training, keeping races to fall and spring to avoid the performance hit they take in the heat. Either way--don't be hard on yourself!

Looking forward to your insights!

Lindsey said...

Ah, humidity - you're so hard! We're our own worst critic, and sometimes we really do need an attitude adjustment, but we shouldn't always beat ourselves up if we're not doing exactly what we'd like!

Natalie said...

I hate humidity! That is why I left and came here where its 20 degrees cooler, AT LEAST!

I also think you should write a post about me and England! Keep running!!!

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

Looking forward to the upcoming posts on your reflections! Humidity is seriously tough, but know that everyone suffers in the summer! Hang in there, we will all be complaining about running in the cold soon enough!