Friday, April 15, 2011

Bad News

Well, first the good news.
Work out today: upper body and core – lifted weights for 45 mins. 3 back exercises, 3 chest, 2 abs, 2 tricep, one bicep and one shoulder (I ran out of time toward the end). Tomorrow is RACE DAY so I didn’t do any cardio. I’m really ready to PR tomorrow, and despite what follows, I’m confident I still will.
After awesome workout, I had an awesome hair day! I took a myspace-eque picture of it.
good hair day!
So all was well and good. I went to work. Remember how I said my job was “on hold” (here)? Welllll, my job isn’t on hold anymore. My position has been terminated Sad smile
DAMN ECONOMY! STUPID NYS BUDGET. I am laid off effective April 30.
My one coworker who has the same title as me was also axed. I’m upset, obvi, but not devastated, yet. It wasn’t *totally* unexpected. But it still sucks. I’ve been looking for a job for a while, so hopefully something will crop up soon.
After being delivered the news by my boss (who got all teary-eyed, poor guy) my coworker was nice enough to donate this to me:
apple pb
Apple and Dark Chocolate Dreams! I’ve never had the dark chocolate dreams, but she knew I’d been wanting to try it. SO YUMMY.
After that was over, and we’d calmed down enough to make some poor jokes. My boss said we could ditch work for the rest of the day so we went to lunch, for 3 hours.
We started with these:
Margaritas baby.
Followed by
MMMMM Pulled pork bbq burrito and chips/salsa! YUM
I’ve been better with dinner – last night’s left overs. I DO have a race to PR tomorrow.

So that’s what I’m looking forward to – racing tomorrow, and the elusive next job.

Wish me luck folks, I’m gonna need it.


Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

I'm so sorry to hear that, even if you had been expecting it. Hopefully the margaritas, chips and salsa helped. You will OWN that race tomorrow!!!

misszippy said...

Sorry about the job! That's a real bummer...good luck with the hunt.

Natalie said...

And you did PR!!! AWESOMESAUCE!!!!

You're on to bigger and better things with the job! :)